Knowstone Parish Council

Knowstone - East Knowstone - Roachill

Fantastic sum raised for Devon Freewheelers by Knowstone and Yeo Mill dance clubs

The Knowstone and Yeo Mill dance clubs meet every Wednesday to dance the night away to music for the 30's, 40's and 50's. Not only do they have a fantastic time meeting up and dancing but both clubs also raise funds for charity. This winter it was the turn of the Devon Freewheelers to benefit from those waltzing and spinning their way around the dance floor. The Devon Freewheelers are volunteer motorcyclists who run urgent drugs, blood and other key medical supplies to and from hospitals in Devon. Two cheques have been sent to them; £665 from Knowstone dance club and £525 from Yeo Mill dance club. Well done to everyone involved in raising this fantastic sum of money and we hope you are dancing again very soon.