Knowstone Parish Council

Knowstone - East Knowstone - Roachill

Two vacancies have arisen on the Batsworthy Cross Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund

Devon Community Fund are looking for two new members to join the Batsworthy Cross Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund Panel, one to fill a vacancy arising from the resignation of a panel member and the second to bring the panel to full capacity of 10 members. The community panel makes all decisions on the allocation of the community fund and they need to make sure that the panel contains a mixture of members coming from different areas and age groups with a range of skills and experience. On this basis, they are keen to encourage applications from members across all areas benefiting from the fund, including young people (minimum age of 18).

The panel currently meets three times per year, on a weekday evening, roughly March, June/July and October/November. Summaries of all applications to review for the current round are presented via DECIDE, an online system which allows panel members to make comments and vote so potential applicants must have access to a computer and should be computer literate. An Induction Pack will be issued to new panel members, outlining the fund criteria and giving guidance on the use of DECIDE.

Interested applicants should email by Monday 12th February for a link to the online application form. The closing date for submitting applications online is Monday 19th February and DCF will inform all applicants the outcome of their application by the end of February. Any questions regards being a panel member or the application process should be directed to to Jo or on 01884 235887 (Monday to Thursday).