Knowstone Parish Council

Knowstone - East Knowstone - Roachill

Scam information sent by Devon and Cornwall Police

Further to messages sent previously, we would like to inform residents that we are still receiving reports of scams relating to cold callers purporting to be from Amazon.
A cold caller, email, or automated call claims to be from Amazon/prime subscription informing the resident that they have been signed up to Amazon Prime subscription, or another storyline about subscription, and asks the resident for their bank details for a refund to be made, the resident is then told by the caller that they have accidentally refunded too much and for the resident to send the money back - this is a scam.
Please be wary of this and any contact of this type and other variations, which may include:

  • an automated call stating a number should be pressed for various reasons
  • or by someone in person asking for vouchers to be purchased in a shop and codes to be handed over
  • a request to download an app
  • emails with links attached (to phishing sites)

All of these are scams and instructions should not be followed, please hang up, don’t give out any personal information or click on any links.
If you want to check a call is genuine  - hang up and make contact the company via a reliable source. Please wait ten minutes before making another call or clear the line by phoning a friend/family member.
If someone has attended your address asking for money as part of a scam and may still be in your local area or if any scammer is actively contacting you at this time and trying to persuade you into a scam, please call 999.
If you have fallen victim to a scam please contact your bank/building society immediately and then report this to Action Fraud:
Please report any suspicious emails you receive to the National Cyber Security Centre:
Please pass this information on and consider displaying in public areas such as notice boards etc

Email tracking gif

Message Sent By
Linzi Berryman (Police, Devon and Cornwall Alert Officer, Devon & Cornwall)