Knowstone Parish Council

Knowstone - East Knowstone - Roachill

Recent fundraising events in the hall

The Parish Hall has held some recent fundraising events. A coffee morning run by parishioner Tiffany Nicholson raised £122.27 for Macmillan. The coffee and cakes were lovely and the event well attended by locals. Thanks to Tiffany for organising this event.

We have also had a wine tasting evening organised by Jeremy Filmer-Bennett in Roachill and run by Charlie Cotton of Bray Wines. A full hall tasted a variety of New World wines, ate a lot of cheese and biscuits and took part in a devilishly hard heads or tails game to win an alcoholic prize. The community bus was even hired to bring visitors from Oakford. The event raised £273.26 for the hall funds.

Saturday 12th November saw resident quizmaster Ian Brooks preside over the annual Knowstone Parish quiz. Eight teams took part and the competition was fierce with the Wrong Trousers finally emerging as triumphant winners by just two points, although this was a long way ahead of the teams at the bottom! This event raised £225 for the hall funds.  

Next up is the Film Night on 24th November.