Knowstone Parish Council

Knowstone - East Knowstone - Roachill

Parish footpath update

Despite fairly rainy adverse conditions, the Knowstone Parish strimming programme should be completed by the end of this week. Due to the abundant growth on Devon coastal paths, the programme has been slightly delayed this year, which would account for this fairly late strim. Two fallen trees, north of Owlaborough on the Two Moors Way, have also been removed, and the original path has been reinstated above the derelict farmyard on footpath #3 from Wadham Bridge to Enfield House.

A word of caution - Timothy Browse, the Parish Councillor responsible for overseeing Parish Footpaths, advised that this is a particularly bad year for ticks, so the "official advice" is to check yourself and pets for any parasites hitching a free ride.

Beaples Standing Stone will be strimmed later in autumn.