Knowstone Parish Council

Knowstone - East Knowstone - Roachill

Knowstone Emergency Plan

The Knowstone Parish Council has just updated the Emergency Plan for this parish. By now, all residents of the parish should have received a copy of the Plan along with a covering letter, explaining areas of responsibility and what to do if an emergency arises, and a questionnaire to complete. We are asking all households to complete the questionnaire as soon as possible and return to the Emergency Coordinator/Parish Councillor as listed in your area. It is important that everyone completes the questionnaire so that the data we have is as accurate, helpful and up-to-date as possible to assist our community. As noted in the cover letter, all data protection requirements will be strictly observed.
If you have lost your questionnaire, please get in touch with me, and I will be happy to supply you with a replacement.
Whilst we don’t anticipate a major incident, Knowstone Parish Council feel it is their duty and responsibility to have this Plan in place.

Click here to see Covering letter

Click here to see Emergency Plan

Timothy Browse